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In the Beginning

(Gen 1:1) In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Creation - In the beginning
 We love beginnings and tend to cherish the times and seasons where many things began in our lives! The word of God begins rightly with a brief, (over)simplified account of how Creation happened. In those few words of Gen 1:1, the lord establishes that He existed in the beginning, that there was a moment of creation for all of earths and heavens and that He was the creator and his word had the infinite power to create all these from nothing. (john 1:1-3 confirms this was Jesus himself). You don’t need anyone to give you a scale of the earth/ sun/ stars/ milky way/ galaxies etc. This is one of those “Selah” moments where we pause and consider the power of God as displayed through his creation. The most learned scientist cannot claim to understand that point of the past where all that we see was created so simply by our God! There are so many who reject creation and God just because they don’t understand it fully, yet for us, who are His children, he has revealed the nuances of Creation when we accept him by faith.

The bible says - Despise not the day of small beginnings. (Zech 4:10) The seemingly small work that the lord begins in us with our salvation can be taken to heavenly proportions by God acting through a person who has yielded himself to the Creator God. Even the world is full of successes of people who have started in their garages and gone on to build world corporations. How much more can the God himself accomplish through us who are his vessels yielded for his use.

Indeed, the beginning that the Lord honours the most in the life of a person is the start of new life which Man receives when he is born again. (Luk 15:7) As Christ came to divide the ages into AD and BC, when He comes into our lives, he gives us a new beginning from our old sinful past, he washes us clean from our sin and gives us a new life (Rom 6:4). And Christian life is full of new beginnings - This is the day that the lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! If we are already in a relation with the lord Jesus Christ, let’s decide to walk today in the newness of life. If we don’t know him yet, let’s decide to seek him today - to repent of our past sins, to accept him as Lord and savior of our lives!

A song for today : How Great though art

Some verses to meditate:

He Laid the foundations of the earth - Job 38:4;
Heavens made by the WORD - Ps 33:6
He Stretched forth & made stable the heavens by His wisdom- Jer 10:12, Jer 51:15


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